Moreover, a support forum is available for technical support. Training videos are compiled in a playlist.
Just download the latest version, unpack and run.
JAG3D is a portable least-squares software package - no need to install or uninstall. The JRE can be found for several platforms at Oracles download page or at the OpenJDK-project pages. To run JAG3D on other platforms such as Linux or MacOS, the platform dependent JRE must be installed at the operating system.
For that reason, neither Java nor the platform dependent FX extension must be provided by the windows operating system. Moreover, the windows download package of JAG3D contains OpenJDK. JavaFX is included to the provided bundles. JAG3D is written in the platform-independent programming language Java and, therefore, the software is runnable at each platform and operation system that provides a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the JavaFX. More information about the least-squares software package JAG3D can be found at. Some reference projects are the deformation analysis at the Onsala Space Observatory, or the adjustment of laser tracker measurements at the electron accelerator S-DALINAC. Moreover, GNSS baselines that are derived by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques are supported. JAG3D is designed to combine hybrid terrestrial observations like leveling, directions, distances or vertical angles in a uniform and rigorous mathematical model.
The Java-based application is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 3). 8.0 Copyright © 1992-2009 Tom Sawyer Software, Berkeley, California, All Rights Reserved.JAG3D (Java Applied Geodesy 3D) is one of the most popular open source least-squares software package for geodetic sciences. You may have received Products or Services that include Graph Editor Toolkit, Copyright © 1992-1999 Tom Sawyer Software, Berkeley, California, All Rights Reserved and Tom Sawyer Visualization Ver. Other companies and products or services mentioned herein may be trademarks, service marks or registered marks of their respective mark owners.

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